Municipal elections: “Tell me what you drink, I’ll tell you who you vote! “

Following the results of the municipal elections, Promise Consulting, consulting and marketing research, specializing in the measurement of brand value, in partnership with the Huffington Post, questioned the French on their preference of alcohol based their political color … This study (*) conducted with a sample of 1497 French, notably reveals “new deals“!

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Le télégramme

Unusual. For each political camp his favorite drink.

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Revue Française du Marketing

Can the Big Data development represent the end of Marketing studies ?

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French review of the marketing n°246 (1/5)

Editor: Philippe Jourdan

Articles of Ph. Jourdan, G. Séré de Lanauze, B. Siadou-Martin, P. Ezan, S. Mallet, C. Rouen-Mallet, A. Matri Ben Jemaa, H. Najjar, Z. Ghali and G. Guintcheva.