Dark Planneur
The Barometer “Luxury and Desirability 2015 Promise BNP Exane” explained by its creator, Philippe Jourdan.
The Barometer “Luxury and Desirability 2015 Promise BNP Exane” explained by its creator, Philippe Jourdan.
The « Luxury and desirability 2015 » barometer – Promise BNP Exane”
Promise delivers here the main findings of the study:
The emergence of emotional criteria in the consumer …
If the quality of products and services offered by fashion and beauty brands remains a fundamental criterion for buyers ( 45% of respondents placed in 1 st position for fashion brands and 49% for beauty stores), the ‘Promise study reveals the emergence of expectations that are more emotional today. Indeed, just over 20% of men and women surveyed seek interaction, dialogue, emotion, a story around the brand …