These Luxury brands are best at Balancing Exlusivity and Demand in CHINA.

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Ranking of favorite luxury brands wealthy Chinese.

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Luxe Attitude

Promise Consulting examines the desirability of luxury brands in China.

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Barometer Promise Consulting – BNP Exane « EXCLUSIVITY & DESIRABILITY » 2015 : Chinese wealthy rank the Luxury brands

In collaboration with BNP Exane, a major player in the Financial Markets in Europe, recognized specialist in research and sector analysis of the luxury market, Promise Consulting, consultancy and studies marketing, publishes the results of the 2 nd wave of the Barometer Promise Consulting – Exane BNP “Desirability & Exclusive 2015”.

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Measuring Brand Exclusivity and Desirability – China.

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Promise Consulting

Monitoring Brand Assets© : Barometer “Desirability & Exclusivity” 2015 – China.

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