The stores – Le Marais, Paris beauty lab

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Conference “Luxury and China: Challenges and Opportunities”

By Pr Philippe Jourdan
Cafe Restaurant l’Adjujé – Hotel #Drouot – 75009 PARIS
Decembre 1th 2015 from 8 :30-10 :30 followed by a visit of Drouot provided by Mr Jean-Philippe Allardi, auctioneer and director of the Formation Drouot’s Center. Thank you to the many customers and guests present.

Expression Cosmétique

the selective skincare market: FRANCE vs. USA

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Wellcom : Promise Consulting – Philippe Jourdan

French review of the marketing n°254 (4/4)

Editor: Philippe Jourdan

Articles of Ph. Jourdan, J.-C. Pacitto, L. Sempé, T. Abid, J.-L. Moulins, A. Vignolles, F. Loose, B. Siadou-Martin, S. Piquet and Ch. Sellen.