Just Your Average Momma

Barometer Promise – BNP Exane “Exclusivity & Desirability” 2015: The Wealthiest Chinese Women Rank Luxury Brands.

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My Love Of Style

Barometer Promise – BNP Exane “Exclusivity & Desirability” 2015: The Wealthiest Chinese Women Rank Luxury Brands.

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Night Helper

Barometer Promise – BNP Exane “Exclusivity & Desirability” 2015: The Wealthiest Chinese Women Rank Luxury Brands.

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Spit up is the new black

Barometer Promise – BNP Exane “Exclusivity & Desirability” 2015: The Wealthiest Chinese Women Rank Luxury Brands.

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Our Good Life

Barometer Promise – BNP Exane “Exclusivity & Desirability” 2015: The Wealthiest Chinese Women Rank Luxury Brands.

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An unexpected but nonetheless valuable meeting during “The Digital Summits” with Edgar Grospiron

A champion that makes us dream. He  shares his brilliantly experience: “Individual performance? Don’t know what this is.”

Les sommets du digital 2016 – La Clusaz

#SOMDIG16 1st round table to Summits digital Philippe JOURDAN CEO #Promise with François Laurent, Co-President of the Adetem.