The shopping trend : Paris dethroned Hong Kong to the first destination where the Chinese buy luxury products – 12/04

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Alert Stream TM

The ranking of luxury brands that work the most with to the Chinese.

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Goûts de luxe Paris – BFM BUSINESS

The shopping trend: Paris dethroned Hong Kong to the first destination where Chinese buy luxury goods – 12/04

This Tuesday, April 12, 2016, Karine Vergniol presents the new shopping trend. This week, focus on consumer trends of Chinese luxury goods. With :

Olivier Abtan, Associate Director and Global Head of Luxury Expertise at BCG.

Philippe Jourdan, partner of Promise Consulting, expert in marketing studies and advisor to major luxury brands.

And Jing Yang, founder of Bonjour Brand.

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Marketing Professionnel

When China will fall asleep, the world will tremble.

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China : should we fear the loss of luxury cruise ?

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Techno turn to Beauty-Hygiene.

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Conseil Marketing

The 4Ps of marketing mix is dead … rethink your marketing strategy via the 5 psychological profiles !

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