Exclusivity & Desirability – USA

Intervention by Philippe Jourdan (Promise Consulting) and Luca Solca (Exane BNP) at the EIML (International School of Luxury Marketing).

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Founding partner of the consulting group and Promise Consulting studies, Philippe Jourdan decrypts the crisis in the sector.

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Intervention of Philippe Jourdan at the International School of Marketing of the Luxury

During an intervention at the International School of Marketing of the Luxury, Philippe Jourdan and Luca Solca (Exane BNP) presented the barometer exclusivity and desirability. This day allowed to approach various key points which emerge from the study on the perception of the luxury in the United States, the unexpected luxury brands in this study and the various particularities of the luxury market in the United States.


Conference «Luxury in the USA»: Desirability and Exclusivity of Top Luxury brands in the USA

«The brands of the Old Continent: do they still impress in the New World?»

Philippe Jourdan, #PromiseConsulting and Luca Solca, Exane BNP presented the results of the Barometer Front Row “Exclusivity & Desirability US”, devoted to the classification of 22 Luxury Brands the categories ​​ready-to-wear, bags and accessories in the USA. This conference, organized on September 15th, 2016 in the premises of EIML – Ecole Internationale du Management du Luxe -, was a huge success and united over 90 participants from the universes of fashion, luxury, consulting, communication and journalism.

Camille Jourdain

Livre Blanc : « Social Media Listening : noise to signal »

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Classifying the 22 most known, purchased, exclusive and desired brands in the US in the universe of personal luxury goods (fashion). This year’s barometer was conducted amongst the wealthiest American women from the Industry Interviews ranking, Exane Paribas Estimates & Analysis (2015), who were interrogated on the categories ready-to-wear, handbags, shoes and accessories.

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Yahoo Finance

Why the Italian luxury seduces wealthy American ?

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