The Millenials in search of meaning

Fragrance Talks: 20 min to understand who these young people are in search of meaning.
A digital conference hosted by Philippe Jourdan, Thursday 28th May at 10am.


Published by Promise Consulting – The 28 , April 2020

A survey was conducted on 600 Chinese with the highest incomes to measure the ability of luxury shopping in certain current markets during the second wave of the global pandemic.

#covid19 #china #consommation #survey #shopping #luxury #promiseconsulting #panelontheweb

Can we hope for a return of the French to consumption? (12 May 2020)

Fragrance Talks: 20 min to go through a subject.
On Tuesday, May 12th, the day after the eventual lightening of the containment, Philippe Jourdan will come back on the indicators and will try to answer the following question:

Can we hope for a return of the French to consumption?

Fragrance Talks: 20 minutes to deconfine the economy and assess the recovery of consumption in China

Digital Conference of 6 May 2020

During this talk, Philippe Jourdan gives his deciphering on the main lessons of the first study on the return to consumption carried out in China. If the Chinese seem eager to gradually resume economic, cultural and social activity, the obstacles remain numerous, and the possibility of a black scenario is still possible. Which sectors will benefit from the rebound in China? What are the levers to be activated to surf the recovery? What is the rebound index for the cosmetics sector, including perfume? Let’s share together the robust indicators of our tracking and exchange on the comparative dynamics of the studied activities!


#expertise #consommation #chine