case studies
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Global Solution Insight© – Axa
The Home & Vehicle insurance sectors are becoming increasingly competitive. The available offers tend to become merely standardized “packaged” commodities that consumers will more and more subscribe via online channels.
AXA wishes to keep the link alive with young professionals. In the meantime, they are well aware that they convey an institutional brand image whose services are often perceived as too expensive or less adapted to young professionals’ basic needs.
AXA has asked Promise Consulting to test and optimize a new offer which was totally dedicated to young customers.
To test the entire offer within a very short timeframe and with an optimized budget, we implemented an innovative methodology which comprised both an exploratory phase to understand and a validation phase to choose and decide in one single 48 hour session. The study methodologies that alternate qualitative and quantitative steps are not adapted.
Thanks to its Global Solution Insight© expertise, Promise Consulting has implemented a study methodology that combined the exploratory power of focus groups and the scientific objectivity of a quantitative tailor made questionnaire that meet the client’s needs to better understand its younger customers.
Within 48 hours, the client was given a synthesis report on both qualitative and quantitative phases. He was able to refine its proposal and knowingly arbitrate between the various alternatives that were introduced to the targeted prospects.
The client was involved throughout the whole study process: he could actively witness the entire qualitative phasis and get real-time feedbacks on the results of the quantitative survey.
In 2014, AXA launched a website entirely dedicated to insurance and banking products targeting the 18-29 years old: The website has contributed to rejuvenate the brand with completely new offers for vehicle insurance, home insurance, health insurance and legal protection.
The project took short the entire industry thanks to the reactivity of its conception, validation and implementation phases.