The Essentials: commercial surveys and research
Jourdan P. and al.- Nathan.- 284 p.
Jourdan P. and al.- Nathan.- 284 p.
Editor: J-F. Boss
Articles of S.P Douglas, O. Badot, B. Cova, P. Hetzel, G. Lipovetsky, J-F Boss, J-P Aimetti, P. Wagner, M. Filser.
Philippe Jourdan is a member of the review panel.
“Marketing Research: methods for research and surveys in marketing”, Gestion Sup / collection manager: Christian Pinson, DUNOD, PARIS, 521 p.
“Education contest for the creation of innovative companies: the example of TELECOM and Management SudParis’ Entrepreneurial projects”, p. 127-137. Published within The Francophone Entrepreneurship: evolution and perspectives, directed by Yvon Gasse. Editions: L’Harmattan.
“GRP (Gross Rating Point) and Internet: a transposition without any risk?”, p. 290-296, published in : Surveys’ sampling and methods, directed by Pascal Ardilly (éd.). Paris: Dunod, Collection: Cours et cas pratiques, 375 p.